STEC is Reappointed as the New Session of President Unit of Municipal Engineering Branch of China Civil Engineering Society Consecutively


On April 15, “the Conference of Fifth Session of Council and the First Conference of the Fifth Session of Council of Municipal Engineering Branch of China Civil Engineering Society was held grandly in STEC. STEC was selected as the new session of President Unit and Chairman of STEC Zhou Wenbo was selected as the president of the Fifth Session of Council by voting of directors and representatives attending the Conference. Guo Yunchong, former Deputy Minister of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China and President of Council of China Civil Engineering Society, and Li Jiangang, Deputy Secretary General of China Civil Engineering Society, attended the Conference.

The predecessor of Municipal Engineering Branch of China Civil Engineering Society is Municipal Engineering Academic Committee of China Civil Engineering Society established in 1956. As the earliest and the most influential industrial association in the domestic municipal field, Municipal Engineering Branch has been dedicated itself to promoting establishment and development of domestic modern urban road traffic system for a long time and thus having made significant contributions to guiding and promoting construction and development of domestic new urban bridge structure engineering, urban flood prevention, subsurface water control, water logging control, water supply safety and water environment.

At the Conference, Zhou Wenbo, President of new session of Council of the Branch, pointed out that Municipal Engineering Branch of China Civil Engineering Society had experienced nearly 60 years of long course, during which all sessions of Councils of the Branch insisted on the principle of organizing the Branch democratically as per the tenet and tasks specified in the Constitution of the Society, strived to explore the reform and development of the Municipal Engineering Branch combining with the actual situation of the Municipal Engineering Branch and did a lot of work whether in organizational construction, academic communication, and international communication, or in subject research, popularization of sciences, recommendation of talents and training and publicity etc., thus making significant contributions to progress of municipal engineering discipline. Especially the fourth session of Council, its highly effective work during its tenure made the Society’s influence and cohesion enhanced significantly and thereby laid a good foundation for future development of Municipal Engineering Branch. As the affiliated unit of the fifth session of Council of Municipal Engineering Branch, STEC will accomplish various work through firmly centering on construction and development of the nation, discipline development and engineering practices of municipal engineering and overall job arrangement of the new session of Council of the Branch.

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