Privacy Policy

Dear visitors, we would like to remind you, please read this privacy policy carefully before you log into, browse, and use this website. As a result of your visit to the site, we believe, you should be aware of, understand, agree this term and abide by all the applicable laws and regulations.

Restrictions of Use

All copyrights, trademark, logos and designs on this website (including but not limited to data, text, photographs, graphics, audio, video and other materials) are intellectual propertyof STEC. The use of any such materials without our express written consent is prohibited. Materials may not be copied, reproduced, republished, modified, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way nor may they be decompiled or reverse engineered. Any unauthorized use of materials on this website violates the Copy Right Law of the People’s Republic of China and other international treaties.



We disclaim any responsibility or liability to any person or entity for any loss, damage (whether actual, consequential, punitive or otherwise), injury, claim, liability or other damagesof any kind or character, in relation to, including but not limited to, investment decisions, service interruption and data loss, based upon or resulting from any materials, content, User Submissions, or products or services advertised or offered by a third party through our services or featured in any banner or other advertising.


Non-Personal Information

We may collect some non-personal information when you visit our site. These data do not, on its own, permit direct association with any specific individual. We gather information in order to help us determine, for example, which areas users access more frequently, and how we can continually create a better overall experience for our users by improving the content of the site.


Privacy Protection

STEC takes the security of your personal information very seriously. Without your permission, STEC won’t disclose or share any of the information collected when you visit our site, unless: 1) you agreed to the sharing; 2) enforced by law and regulations; 3) enforced by court, arbitration or other judicial procedure; 4) required by the governing body; 5) users violated terms of use or harmed the interests of STEC


Application for E-Annual Report

If you are STEC shareholders and want to receive e-annual report, you can apply through our site. For identification, we may need information from you, such as your name, email address and the last four digits of your account.


Application for Receiving Emails from our Source Newspaper

If you want to receive information from our Source Newspaper, please provide your name and email address, so that we can send the newspaper to you.


Website Links

For your convenience to acquire information, STEC’s site may contain links to other websites, which may have different privacy policies. We suggest you go through these terms first when visiting these websites. Without STEC’s permission, other websites cannot connect to this website. While you try to link to other sites through this website, you must understand STEC cannot take responsibility for the content or the privacy practices employed by other sites.



STEC keeps rights to amend its privacy commitment. When visiting this website, you need to follow updated privacy policy. Besides, STEC has rights to change website structure and contents at anytime to improve the quality of our website.


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