STEC and Shenzhen City Jointly Building "Smart Government Affairs” Project Management Platform


In April, the preliminary development results of "the Smart Safety Control Platform of Shenzhen Construction Project" was checked and accepted, which was jointly built by STEC Shanghai Underground Space Architectural Design & Research Institute and the Housing Construction Bureau of Shenzhen City. The platform will offer comprehensive smart control service for Shenzhen, the core of “Interconnection Innovation" in China.

"The Smart Safety Control Platform of Shenzhen Construction Project” was developed by STEC Shanghai Underground Space Architectural Design & Research Institute commissioned by the Housing Construction Bureau of Shenzhen City. The platform adopts the multisource data fusion of 3DGIS, multi-project control technology of city level, the risk forewarning technology based on big data analysis, and the technology of safety control data center. It aims to form "a unique map of the whole city of 3DGIS+BIM" to monitor the real-time information of the construction project quality and safety of the whole city.

With the platform, the supervisors in the Housing Construction Bureau of Shenzhen City or the management organizations can supervise completely or partially the city project just as they use the satellite imagery. Therefore, they can quickly get the quality and safety data of all the projects and examine them visually: the visual rate of the project process, the quality and safety trend, the special and temporal distribution of precaution, key information on important control parts, and other information of specific projects. In the meantime, STEC Shanghai Underground Space Architectural Design & Research Institute have innovated and researched the risk precaution system and the public safety data bank of the city level based on the integrated application of data information, concentrated control of city public safety, and big data collection and analysis. Through this work, they build for Shenzhen City the safety appraisal and risk pre-caution systems on supervision objects of public safety and the special data bank of city-level public safety. Therefore, they lay the foundation for Shenzhen to realize comprehensive management and to build a smart city.

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